Sunday, November 17, 2013

Dreamland Introduction (IRB)

     Dreamland, by David K. Randall, is a book about sleep. Randall is not a scientist (he is actually a senior reporter at Reuters), but he has experienced odd sleeping habits (including excessive movement and sleepwalking) through his life. In Dreamland, Randall includes explanations of why we sleep, how we sleep, and how it effects us. However, he also raises many questions about sleep, because he has found throughout his research that there is so much that humans don't understand about something we do for about a third of our lives.
     I selected this book because I love science, and neuroscience in particular. Sleep is something I've always found interesting, and I've always wondered why we have dreams or why some people sleepwalk. Hopefully this book will serve to be interesting as well as informative, and I hope that at the end of it, I will understand sleep much more.

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