Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Musicophilia Introduction (IRB)

     Musicophilia is written by Oliver Sacks, a physician and the Professor of Clinical Neurology and Psychiatry at Columbia University. Throughout his career, he has written many books on different functions and oddities of the human brain. Musicophilia focuses how the brain interacts with music and addresses specific conditions (both good and bad) relating to music, from absolute pitch to amusia. Many of his chapters draw from stories his patients have experienced, so Musicophilia is sure to have interesting and real stories.
     I'm very interested in studying neuroscience throughout college, and music has always been a huge part of my life, so a book that combined the two sounded incredibly interesting to me. Hopefully, Musicophilia will give me a better idea of if I actually want to pursue neuroscience, and, if so, open my eyes to possible specific aspects of neuroscience that I could study in college.

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