Sunday, February 23, 2014

TOW #19: POM Wonderful Pomegranate Juice Packaging (Visual Text)

     At first glance, one notices the strange shape of this bottle of pomegranate juice. When one looks closer, the first thing to jump out on the label is the heart present in the name, POM. Below that, the bottle says: "100% Pomegranate Juice". And on the back, it boasts, "100% California Pomegranates", directly above the nutrition information. First, by making the bottle an interesting shape, shoppers' attention is caught. Then, by using the heart symbol as well as repeated text, the POM Wonderful company effectively convinces people in the grocery store to buy the juice.
     The strange shape of bottle catches shoppers' attention and makes them pause to take a closer look at the product. Also, shoppers may pick up the bottle and notice that the shape is comfortable in their hand, which could further convince them to buy it. However, the most convincing evidence is present on the bottle's label.
     The juice bottle prominently displays a heart embedded in the name of the product. Subliminally, this makes shoppers associate the product's name with love, which can cause them to believe they like the product – without even knowing much about it. Also, health-conscious people may associate the heart with heart health – perhaps the pomegranate juice will be able to make their heart healthier in some way or another. Simply having a heart on the packaging, though, will not convince most people. Many shoppers will then read the text present on the bottle.
     On the front, the label reads: "100% Pomegranate Juice". This further convinces potential buyers of its healthiness – it's completely natural, which people view as meaning it is more healthy. When they turn to the back to read the nutrition information, they see similar text: "100% California Pomegranates". Additionally, the text to the right of the nutrition information states: "All Natural 100% Juice". Again, the idea of an all-natural, healthy drink is reinforced. This large, bolded text helps to distract shoppers from the nutrition information, which reveals that the product contains 32 grams of sugar – quite a lot for such a small drink. However, since the "100% Juice"-promoting text is a lot larger and easier to read, that's all that most shoppers will pay attention to. Once thoroughly convinced that the juice is healthy and natural, many shoppers will decide it's a good buy.
     Through its use of an attention-grabbing shape and numerous reminders of its healthiness, the POM Wonderful bottle effectively portrays to potential buyers that it would be a good, all-natural, healthy drink to buy. (And I can attest to its effectiveness, because there are about five of these bottles currently in my family's fridge.)

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